Section 3

Game Issues

3-1 Connection & Lag 

3-1.1 Connection issues where every driver has ‘X’ by there name, that means your connection is the problem and you should leave the session and re-join in an attempt to improve connection.
3-1.2 Regardless of whether this works or not league admins will use the COS stream for the official classification.
3-1.3 Drivers who lag out are held accountable for providing requested footage. 

3-2 Disconnections During Qualifying 

3-2.1 If a driver disconnects during qualifying, they are permitted to re-join during the session and retake control of their car.
3-2.2 If a driver disconnects and is unable to re-join, the lobby will carry on until the end of qualifying. After which the lobby will NOT be restarted.
3-2.3 If mass amounts of drivers disconnect and cannot re-join, qualifying will be canceled and new lobby created. (Admins Discretion).

3-3 Post Qualifying Disconnections

3-3.1 If a driver disconnects in between qualifying and the race, the race will go ahead as normal.
3-3.2 Mass disconnections between qualifying and the race will result in a lobby restart. 

3-4 Disconnections During Races 

3-4.1 Drivers who disconnect during the race are allowed to re-join the race.
3-4.2 Outside of a collapsed or split lobby, under no circumstances will the race be restarted due to a disconnection. 

3-5 Lobby Collapse/Split Lobby/Glitched Lobby 

3-5.1 The actions taken in the event of a collapsed, split or ‘glitched’ lobby are at the discretion of the admin(s).
3-5.2 Should this occur before the leader has started the 3rd lap, the race will be restarted with the original grid.
3-5.3 If this happens for the 2nd time before the leader has started their 3rd lap, then the race will be cancelled. ( Re-run by admins discretion )
3-5.4 If after 3rd lap and before the leader has started the first lap after 75% race distance is reached, then half points will be awarded. 
3-5.5 After 75% race distance is reached then full points will be awarded to the positions as they were when the leader crossed the start/finish line. 

3-6 New Lobby Settings 

3-6.1 Weather settings for a new lobby will be based on the original race conditions using custom weather settings.
3-6.2 If qualifying is restarted, the original race conditions using custom weather settings will be used.